Led by Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen and Executive Director Nicole Liu, the Guanyun Qiantang City is created in the core area of the Qianjiang Century City alongside the Qiantang River.
The project is located in the Olympic Sports Expo City area, adjacent to the Qiantang River on the west and Olympic Sports Expo Centre on the South. Perched on a providential position, the project enjoys excellent cityscape view and well-connected transportation network.
▲ 項目毗鄰錢塘江
Adjacent to Qiantang
▲ 雙城核心區的中心地段
Core area
“這里不僅是雙城CBD的核心空間,更是恢弘江岸線上的點睛之筆。我們希望將錢塘江這一地域標簽作為起點,帆應江而生,以一座融合文脈的地標性商辦建筑,為市民帶來不一樣的生活體驗。” 溫子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)說道。
Andy shares, ‘The Guanyun Qiantang City is a landmark commercial building that integrates cultural context, offering a unique experience for the city.’
▲ 與杭州奧體中心等地標建筑構成獨特的江景天際線
Shaping skyline with the surrounding urban icons
The design draws inspiration from the aphorism of ‘setting sail’. It assimilates the towers into the plot and the river in a sailboat form, emblematic of a riding wave of prosperity. The towers feature a unique overall image, with varying heights and overlapping layers that create a vibrant silhouette, resembling the dynamic posture of sails catching the wind. It echoes the surrounding development and forms a skyline along the Qiantang River.
▲ 揚帆前行的蓬勃姿態
‘Setting sail’ architectural form
▲ 前后疊合的建筑形式
The unique form
▲ 基于一致的建筑語言構成的不同建筑輪廓
Different building profiles constructed based on a consistent architectural language
The tower symbolises sail and wind, combined with the staggered glass curtain walls. The flowing river currents are reflected in the curves of the podium, together forming a tall and lightweight architectural silhouette that harmoniously blends with the greenery along the waterfront, presenting a beauty of natural harmony.
▲ 塔樓寓意帆與風
Symbolisation of sail and wind
▲ 裙樓形似船與水
The podium symbolises boat and water
▲ 裙樓猶如江潮涌動
Emblematic of a riding wave of prosperity
The overall plan places a strong emphasis on the connection with nature. 5 towers are ingeniously laid out to secure permeability and maximise views to the Qiantang River. Through public spaces like pedestrians paths, the Guanyun Qiantang City is well-connected with the nature and creates a multi-dimensional waterfront plaza and terraced green space.
‘Guanyun Qiantang City showcases a distinctive architectural form and a people-centric experience, offering an immersive engagement with the city.’ Nicole says.
▲ 錢塘江畔的全新地標
New landmark along Qiantang River
▲ 夜幕中的觀雲錢塘城
Guanyun City in night view
主要設計人:溫子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),Aedas院士及全球設計董事;劉燕,Aedas執行董事
Location: Hangzhou, China
Client: Boee Real Estate, Zheshang Industrial Integration
Design and Project Architect: Aedas
Gross Floor Area: 334,057 sq m
Overall Completion year: 2024
Design Directors: Dr. Andy Wen, Global Design Principal; Nicole Liu, Executive Director
Photography: Arch-Exist Photography